What is LoveCDC RSVP?
In Winston-Salem, NC, the Love Community Development Corporation (Love CDC) - grantee, received funding from AmeriCorps to implement an AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program). LoveCDC RSVP recruits and matches volunteers 55 and older with service opportunities in their communities to help meet critical community needs. RSVP staff coordinates and places volunteers with local agencies and organizations that serve as RSVP Volunteer Stations. RSVP stations may also refer individuals interested in becoming RSVP volunteers.
LoveCDC RSVP program focus areas are:
Healthy Futures: Volunteers assist homebound seniors and older adults with disabilities to help them to continue to live independently and/or provide access to care. Volunteers provide:
Companionship (through card connections and telephone pals)
Meal delivery
Food pantry assistance
Transportation for access to care - medical appointments, pharmacy or food.
Education: Volunteers provide service to striving readers in Kindergarten through 3rd grade to help them improve their reading, social and/or emotional skills. Volunteers serve as:
reading buddies, and